spuds galore!

...well, that's what I'm hoping for in several weeks. In the meantime, I've been preparing the patch, albeit a little late ...this has been my process:

1. Kill off grass by laying black plastic and pegging it down.
    Didn't quite die off, but looking a little worse for wear.
    Note to self: begin earlier next year!

2. Lay thick layers of newspaper

3. Lay straw in two parallel rows

4. Add goodies such as blood and bone and pelletised manure

5. Mound rows with layer of soil

6. (repeat steps 3 to 5)

 7. Dig a trench in the middle of each row

8. Place seed potatoes in trenches and just cover with soil

 9. Water in and mound soil back over the lower part of the plant as it grows (for abundant crop)...and there you have it. Now, patience!