natural outdoor playspace in Launceston

Over a year ago now, I designed my first natural outdoor playspace for a child care centre in Launceston, Tasmania. Soon after, the design became a reality as it was installed during the centre's two week closure over Christmas...a rush, but centre logistics governed timing.

The outdoor playspace was dominated by natural elements such as trees, shrubs, sand, soil and grass, and it was very exciting to watch it develop. 

Bike track, plus very young bamboo thicket and forest

Mondo labyrinth, with sandpit, dry creek bed, deck and ship in the distance
Path and bike track wrapping around existing trees
The playspace previously
A few months later, the playspace succumbed to trampling pressure...more than once! Grasses, native iris, turf lillies and shrubs have all suffered, but I'm hoping with the arrival of spring, we'll be pleasantly surprised by the revival of some original grass and lilly plantings. But in the meantime, I'm working with the centre manager to replant with more established material, to cope with the harsh treatment.

With establishment and growth of the new planting, the space will really come alive! It will provide an environment of learning, exploration and discovery - essential in the growth and development of the youngest members of our community!